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The ugly truth behind the Romanian Anticorruption Fight: When some judges and DNA prosecutors trial after death: Dan Adamescu’s case: 9 months without the autopsy report PART I

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Dan Adamescu, the owner of the first democratic newspaper and founder of the largest Romanian insurance company suspiciously lost his life in the custody of the Romanian State on 24 January 2017. Nine months later, on 25 th of September Mirincea Judge from the Bucharest Court of Appeal decides to send him into trial. In the meantime, the causes of Dan Adamescu’s death are yet unclear and the autopsy report is kept secret.

Although the family have send no more than 5 written requests through their lawyers within 7 months, the first one send immediately after his premature death on 27 January 2017, the authorities – The National Institute of Legal Medicine denied the right of the family to receive it and passing the responsibility to the prosecutor investigating the ‘’ suspicious death of Dan Adamescu’’ Mr. Eusebiu Serbanoiu from The Bucharest Court. 

Mr. Eusebiu Serbanoiu delegated two police officer from the Homicide Direction within the Romania Police for further investigations – Inspector Adrian Lazar and Sub- Commissioner in the person of Mr. Lupescu, but until this day none of the judiciaries answered or provided the family the autopsy report.

Who is responsible for Dan Adamescu’ s premature death?

Looking back, two DNA prosecutors and their Chiefs, constantly refused him the medical treatment since they targeted him in June 2014 – DNA prosecutor Danut Volintiru and his chief Claudiu Dumitrescu former head of DNA Direction II. They both withdraw from the case in March 2016 and in their place, were appointed the DNA prosecutor Adrian Matei and his chief Marius Bulancea known as the personal advisor to Laura Codruta Kovesi as luju.ro revealed. Within less than 2 years from which 4 months spent in pretrial arrest, one year spent in house arrest and 9 months in prison, Dan Adamescu died. He went into Coma during his appeal to the release on parole (20 December 2016) and died 5 weeks later in the hospital, his family being denied the access to stay by his side. 

Decision no.2847/23.11.2016, hearing of 23.11.2016 Case no.27918/4/2016 Romania. Court IV Bucharest: Presiding judge – Simon Raluca Oana, Court clerk – Geana Ludeanu Costiana
The Public Ministry – Prosecutor’s Office under the High Court of Justice – the National Anticorruption Directorate was represented by the Prosecutor Cojocaru Daniel:
The defendant of the petitioner requests his release on probation having fulfilled his legal fraction from the sentence of 4 years and 4 months of imprisonment. A particular concern is the extremely bad health condition of the petitioner. 

The court appreciated that, at this moment, the convict is not eligible for release on probation, as a consequence, shall reject his request for release on probation as groundless.
Decision no. 690/c. 21.12. 2016 Calling procedure in file no. 27918/4/2016: Romania. Ilfov Court: Presiding Judge Razvan Pastila, Court Clerk Vasi Victoria, Public Ministry – Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the National Anticorruption Direction was represented by the prosecutor Gina Bulat.

The Court admitted his legal fraction to apply for release on parole was fulfilled ‘’ The Court finds that in this case the condition for the execution of the fraction of the penalty imposed by the law is fulfilled’’, and continues  ‘’ it is also incontestable the poor health of the applicant in the present case, which is evident from the medical records filed both in the substantive and procedural stage of the appeal’’ , instead decides to reject his release on parole as it follows: ‘’

On the other hand, however, the Court considers that the convicted person did not give a thorough proof of correction….the Court considers that the applicant’s efforts were minimal’’- referring here to the educational courses that Dan Adamescu was not able to attend precisely because of his poor health condition- and in no way can they lead to the conclusion of clear evidences of correction’’!

In other words, 2 judges decided that he should continue his punishment despite his degrading health state even though that represented a breach of Human Rights. Despite the publicly request of Dan Adamescu’s family to the Superior Court of The Romanian Magistrates to investigate, none actions have been taken. Why? Might be the recently appointed this year (6 January 2017) President of The Superior Court of the Romanian Magistrates – Mariana Ghena.

 After a thorough fight in Court of Appeal of Bucharest when two judges refused to issue an arrest warrant for Dan’s son – Alexander Adamescu, the controversial judge Dorel Matei was finally handed over Alexander’s request for arrest and who in just 20 minutes decided what 2 Judges within 2 weeks of postponing finally refused. 

Mariana Ghena, by that time judge at the High Court didn’t seem at all suspicious to her fellow colleague Dorel Matei, and not even bothered to understand why two of her fellow judges Ciprian Ghita and Mihaela Nita refused to arrest Alexander Adamescu, she immediately confirmed on 27 May 2015, the arrest of Dan Adamescu’s son, starting in this way the persecution of his son and his family who were living in London with their 3 children since 2012.

Thus, on the same day, Alexander was saying good bye to his father without even knowing that it was forever as his father, Dan Adamescu was convicted in the same day to 4 years of imprisonment for the same criminal file that his son was now accused after 2 years and after a definite decision with a prejudice of just 700.00 ron – lawyers fee.
Romania’s human rights ‘’a luxury’’. The short memory of the Romanian President and the infamous lies of the Romanian Judiciary 

On August 2016, Dan Adamescu is urgently transferred from prison to Floreasca Emergency Hospital in sepsis shock. The Law Society, a professional body representing 166.000 solicitors in England and Wales sent a letter to Romania’s President Klaus Johannis showing their concern: ‘’We know that Mr. Adamescu applied several times for permission to travel to Austria for the knee replacement operation and that eight out of nine applications were refused. He was allowed to travel once, from 16 to 23 August 2015, when he underwent medical examinations in preparation for the operation. However, he has since not been allowed to travel, although his doctors have repeatedly warned that delaying the procedure places Mr. Adamescu at risk, including risk of death by embolism.

We note that Romania ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on 9 December 1974, which provides: Article 7: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’’

On 25 January 2017, just shortly after Dan Adamescu’s premature death, President Klaus Iohannis hold a speech in Strasbourg, in front of the European Commission. He was then addressed the question: Do you know Mr. Adamescu, he just died in prison in Romania? The answer was straight forward: No!

The now President of Romania, is afraid to admit he not only knew Dan Adamescu but he had tasted together some several glasses of Champagne.

The President Klaus Johannis never replied or neither investigated the breach of human rights not just in Dan Adamescu’s case but also in general. After 4 months since the letter of the Law Society was sent also to the Ministry of Justice – lead then by the famous ‘’luxury human rights’’ Raluca Pruna – in November 2016 – The Administration of the National Penitentiary in the name of the Ministry of Justice and represented by Mr. Dan Halchin wrote an infamous lying answer and denied the torture of Dan Adamescu.

Both friends’ and enemies’ testimonials of the torture of Dan Adamescu Dan Radu Rusanu, former chief of ASF – accused of starting the attack on Dan Adamescu’s Astra Insurance Company, he himself imprisoned on politically grounds admitted in tears the inhuman treatment of Dan Adamescu. He went live on 19 April 2017 in Mihai Gadea’s talk show from Antena 3.

One of Dan’s inmates – a judge sentenced in the same criminal file with Dan went live on Romania Tv on the evening of 25 May 2017 in Andreea Cretulescu’s talk show stating:’’ The System tortured and killed him! I felt so sorry for him, I used to take care of him for compassion, a man like him was not sentenced to prison he was sentenced to die.’’ They never knew each other, Dan never admitted giving bribery to any of those judges, he died declaring his innocence.

Two German citizens imprisoned in the same jail with Dan told their lawyer about the torture of Dan Adamescu to whom they witnessed. Their lawyer went live on TV on Saturday the 30 th of September 2017.

Mock them down, lock them up! The ugly truth behind the Romanian Anticorruption Fight: When some judges and DNA prosecutors trial after death: Dan Adamescu’s case: 9 months without the autopsy report PART II

This is, maybe the best way to characterize the PR Campaign of the National Anticorruption Directorate – DNA. According to the DNA’s interest in targeting a ‘’big fish’’, journalists close to DNA and the Secret Services are fed up with information about their ‘’target’’ who then they spread in the media, in an attempt of ‘’conspiracy investigations’’ to mock down their victim and annihilate any attempt of presumption of innocence of the ‘’criminals’’ or ‘’convicts.’’

Who is feeding up the journalists with information and why? 

Most of the information which is under investigation (not proven yet) is sent via email by the DNA prosecutors to targeted journalists, responsible in publicly convicting the ‘’big fish’’ in other words the billionaires.

In Dan Adamescu’s case the most relevant figure is the Romanian journalist Dan Tapalaga, famous in Romania for the SIPA scandal (the secret archive of the Securitate about the Judiciary system including judges, prosecutors and their private life) – the Journalist who spent illegally and in breach of the national security law one night together with the former Romanian Ministry of Justice Monica Macovei, copying and looking into the Judges’ files. Dan Tapalaga was recently revealed by Daniel Dragomir a former High Ranked officer in the Romanian Intelligence and decorated by the CIA, as being a media tool in the hands of the dismissed Deputy Director of Romanian Inteligence – Florian Coldea.

Dan Adamescu died imprisoned kept away from his only son – Alexander Adamescu – now himself targeted by the DNA following Dan’s actions of revealing the truth. For most of people, the case of Father and Son Adamescu represents a tragedy and a TRUTH spread amongst many, including the US Congress. For Dan Tapalaga, Dan Adamescu was just posing as ‘’a victim’’ or as a politically dissident’’, the journalist was struggling hard to make everything look fake, paid, just lobby based on the arguments: Dan Adamescu was a billionaire! He must pe a criminal, a convict!

He even went that far to accuse prestigious journalists and non-convict people from the Telegraph, Financial Times, Der Spiegel or even Human Rights Organisations such as Henry Jackson Society or the British David Clark political and Human Rights analyst – that have become a Cartel Against DNA, naming Alexander Adamescu as their chief.

The conspiracy part of the information is provided via leaks from a part of the former Securitate within Romanian Intelligence Service, under the pretext of protecting the national security.

What does this ‘’national security’’ means? Adamescu family revealed the political implication within outside of Romania’s territory. In other words, any exposure of the Deep State (corrupted) from Romania in other countries is considered to be an attempt to the national security and this is punished by becoming a target of the Romanian Secret Services. 

Dan Adamescu has used all legal tools to make people aware about his politically persecution, including contracting companies to investigate and gather evidences, which is part of any person’s right to defend himself. That also included exposing the Deep State, that the Journalist Dan Andronic had recently revealed in his serials from the Evz.ro. 

Ironically, those to defend the Romanian DNA and its action is a former convict, Dennis McShane from the British Labour Party and Minister of State for Europe from 2002 until 2005, who probably was not aware that for the same amount of money, Dan Adamescu in a very precarious health was sentenced to 4 years of prison in Romania and was denied release on parole even though he had spent almost 2 years in prison. Mr. MacShane in November 2012, was suspended from the Labour Party after the House of Commons Standards and Privileges Committee found that he had submitted 19 false invoices "plainly intended to deceive" the parliamentary expenses authority. In November 2013 he pleaded guilty to false accounting at the Old Bailey, by submitting false receipts for £12,900.On 23 December, Mr Justice Sweeney sentenced MacShane to six months in prison.He served six weeks of his sentence before being released.

Another relevant example part of the PR campaign of DNA is the paid American platform Medium.com: A platform for ‘’ Everyone’s stories and ideas. A Medium Corporation (“Medium”) allows you to access certain premium features or content in exchange for a one-time or recurring fee, as applicable (each a “Paid Service” and collectively the “Paid Services”). 

Under the name of Romania Corruption Watch, without any author, Dan Adamescu’s son – Alexander Adamescu is being mocked down in what one could say fake article. The same stereotype: some information is mixed up with wrong and fake accusations. 

Romania Anticorruption Watch is trying to mock down one of Alexander’s lawyer as well, although he is one of the most known lawyers – the defender of Khodorkovsky. In an attempt of replying to Alexander’s lawyer from the US, Robert Amsterdam who has released a press statement on the same platform describing the truth about Alexander:

‘’The case of Alexander Adamescu is but one disturbing example. Alexander’s father, Dan Adamescu, was given the full “Khodorkovsky treatment” by the Government of Romania, which jailed him on trumped-up, unsubstantiated charges of corruption and bribery in 2014 — a false criminal prosecution that mainly served to destroy and steal his companies and silence his newspaper. When his son, Alexander, filed arbitration proceedings against Bucharest for the damages caused by this unlawful expropriation of the companies connected to his father, the Romanian prosecutors quickly issued an EAW for his arrest — despite the fact that he is a German citizen, legal resident in London, who has never lived in Romania.’’

And last but not least – Dan Adamescu’s Wikipedia page -, as we will continue revealing how the DNA – a Romanian Government Body fully paid from Romanian people is spending the Government’s money on the Media Battle Field in a PR campaign to annihilate its victims. 

Supporters and friends of Adamescu’s family numerous times tried to complete his Wikipedia page with all relevant information about their beloved. Their efforts for months have been almost without any success as each time, Dan Adamescu’s Wikipedia page is immediately re written and deleted in another attempt of mock his live, his achievements and his TRUTH.

Probably a unique case in the world, when those accusing the Adamescu’s family for spending millions on defending their case are THEMSELVES PAID from the Romanian people’s pockets in the attempt of justifying the Romanian Judiciary Authority – DNA and some Judges for the CRIMES they’ve done.

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